Friday, April 18, 2014

Katharina Helming - 2014/04/18 – 11:30 am

Date: Friday 18th April
Time: 11:30 am
Place: Conference room, Pavillon Jardin - 29, rue d'Ulm
Speaker: Katharina Helming (IJN)
Title: “Making sense of early false-belief understanding”
Abstract: The topic of this talk is the puzzle about early belief-ascription: Young children demonstrate spontaneous false-belief understanding, but they fail elicited-response false-belief tasks. Based on recent converging evidence, a pragmatic framework to solve this puzzle will be introduced. Young children do understand the contents of others’ false belief, but they are overwhelmed when they must simultaneously make sense of two distinct actions: the instrumental action of a mistaken agent and the experimenter’s communicative action. I will discuss predictions of this account and present preliminary data supporting it.