Friday, January 31, 2014

Mark Sheskin - 2014/01/31

Date: Friday 31st January
Time: 11:30 am
Place: Conference room, Pavillon Jardin - 29, rue d'Ulm
Speaker: Mark Sheskin (IJN)
Title:The Origins of Fairness: Experiments with Children and Monkeys
Abstract: Recent research has argued that surprisingly advanced fairness judgments can be found early in childhood development and even in some nonhuman primates. I present new experiments showing the opposite: situations in which monkeys do not care about fairness and young children show spiteful preferences against fairness. Which set of research should you believe? Both, of course! In a review including both sets of research, I will discuss the similarities and differences in the fairness of these populations. The interesting question becomes about which aspects of adult fairness can be found in these other populations, and how the initial state matures into the adult one.