Sunday, November 24, 2013

Jean Nicod Emerging Ideas - Fall Program

The entire fall program of Jean Nicod Emerging Ideas is now ready.
PDF version of the fall program (which includes dates, titles and abstracts) can be downloaded here.
Here is an overview of the fall program:

Friday 25th October, 11 am
Erin Zaroukian (IJN), “Variation in Vagueness”

 [To be held in the conference room of the DEC]
Friday 29th November, 11 am
Baptiste Gille (Quai Branly), “Supernatural Beings:
Proposal for a New Cognitive Theory of Counter-intuition”

Friday 6th December, 11 am
Alexis Wellwood (Univ. of Maryland),
What ‘meaning’ can (and probably should) mean

Friday 13th December, 11 am
Sam Wilkinson (Durham Univ.), “Auditory Verbal Hallucinations
and the Anticipatory Nature of Experience”

Friday 20th December, 11 am
Guillaume Dezecache (IJN), “Studies on emotional propagation in humans:
 The cases of fear and joy”